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New Puppy / Kitten
Dogs are like children; they need boundaries and limitations.Boundaries help dogs feel secure. Dogs will test the boundary constantly in the beginning, but if the line is firm, they will relax, respect the line and feel more secure.
Be the leader of your pack.Being a leader means you have confidence and you know where you are going. Dogs read your body language, the same as they do with other dogs. Your posture needs to be tall with your shoulders back, your head high, and you are in control. Your dog will respect this and feel secure in your hands.
Move with a purpose.When you are heeling with your dog, be sure in your steps, move confidently. If you have a confident dog, you need to show your leadership. If you have a shy dog, you may have to coax them, but still be sure you know where you are going.
Give your dog a job, they want to work.Your dog needs to work for everything: petting, food, toys, going through a door, in short, everything that holds a meaning for them. Working can be as simple as a ‘sit’ or as complicated as a group of commands. An example might be: sit and wait for food.
Mark the Moment–Timing is so important!Marking good behavior is key for communicating with your dog. Watch your dog carefully for the behavior you are looking for and then mark the behavior the moment it happens. You can mark good behavior with your voice, ‘yes’, or a sound like a clicker.
Be consistent, dogs love routine!Dogs feel secure when they can predict what will happen. Keep a routine with your dog, as much as possible. Feed them at the same time, walk them at the same time, play with them at the same time, and relax at the same time.
Praise, praise, praise!Catch your dog doing something right and praise/reward them for it! If you only pay attention to bad behavior and do not praise good behavior, you are not teaching your dog what you want. Example: You arrive in a new city and you tell your cab driver all of the places you don’t want to go. Will the driver know where you want to go? Tell your dog what they are doing right!
Pack your PatienceTraining with your dog requires patience. Try to stay calm. Everything may not be perfect, and that is okay. You are learning right along with your dog. If you get frustrated, your dog will feel it and react most likely in a negative way. Remember to breathe, count to 10 if you need to, and try again.
Your routine and home life presents many opportunities for you to train your dog.Take the time to train with your dog. If you are consistent with your training, you and your dog will have a bond. The human animal bond is so special, and you both will feel the benefits.
Tips For Training: Courtesy of Bellwether Harbor Training CenterTake every opportunity to train with your dog. Train now and you will enjoy the relationship you have with your dog for their lifetime!
Basic Command Words: Courtesy of Bellwether Harbor Training CenterHeel – This is used when walking on a leash and the desired position is at your side, with the dog’s head at your knee. Let’s go – This is used for a casual walk with no expectation of the dog being directly at your side (knee). There should be no pulling or tugging, just a pleasant walk Sit – This is used to establish leadership with your dog. As a way to break up the heeling exercise, if reaching a curb going outside, when people enter the home, etc. Sit can be a way for your dog to work. Leave it – This can be used for a variety of situations. It should be used when the dog is going after something that is not acceptable: another animal, garbage, or any kind of distraction. Off – This is used for when the dog is “up” on anything. Use it when the dog is jumping on a person (including yourself), on a counter, on a door, on the couch, on the bed, etc. Do not use the world ‘down’. OK – We use this as a release from a command. It’s OK to eat the food, go out the door, etc. Stay – This command means do not move. It is different from wait (explained below). It is used when you expect the dog to be in the same position for 1 minute or 5 minutes. Wait – This command is used when something will come next, but the expectation is that the dog will remain in the same general position. Wait for your food after the sit command, wait for the door to open, wait for the OK. Come – This command can only be used if the dog is either under your control (leash) or is reliable for this command. It must be practiced with a leash and then a long lead (10 - 20 feet). Do not use this command unless you are sure the dog will come (the dog is consistently coming when called). If used from a distance and the dog does not come, make yourself small, use a high tone, and encourage it to be with you. Then go back to training on a leash or long lead. ‘Come’ is one of the most difficult commands to train for a reliable result. The danger of using this command and not having a positive result is that the dog learns he doesn’t have to do it and there is nothing you can do to reinforce it. Very important! Every time the dog comes to you it must be a positive experience. If you are frustrated because the dog is not coming, do not react. Always be positive! Anytime the dog comes to you, it is a good thing! Down – This command is used when you want the dog to lay on the ground. It is not used for any other position (such as jumping up). This can be a difficult command for the dog because it puts the dog in a vulnerable position and dogs do not like to be vulnerable. When training for this, first put the dog in a sit and then teach down. Later, after the dog understands what down means, and is reliable, it can be used to put the dog in a down position without sitting first. Give/Drop It – This command means release whatever is in the dog’s mouth. It must be taught with the expectation and calm authority for the dog to release the object. After the dog understands the command, expect the dog to release the item. If the dog refuses, make the object ‘dead’ (do not pay attention to the object). Lots of praise for giving is a must! No Bark – When a dog is barking at an inappropriate time, you can give the command “no bark”. No Bite – This is used especially when you have a puppy that is learning appropriate behavior. Give the command then replace your hand, etc. with a toy or an appropriate item. Uh-Uh – Vocal correction, sound from the back of your throat, meant to sound like a mother dog’s growl to a puppy, used to stop a negative behavior. You are teaching your dog a new language, English. Dogs communicate through tones: high for praise, middle for commands and low for correction. Say it once and wait them out. Most dogs have perfect hearing, so don’t repeat or get louder. If you don’t have time to wait them out, DON’T ASK FOR IT! Leash Training: https://youtu.be/OwN0Ub3TWsk
Puppy Biting:https://youtu.be/JRl1FhIBeKc Puppy/Dog Chewing: https://youtu.be/CZuo57SbFJc
Potty Training: https://youtu.be/7vOXWCewEYM Crate Training: https://youtu.be/hesi8WxLWVE How to Teach Your Dog Not to Bark: https://youtu.be/s0A9SpCdRZg
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CATSEverything You Need for Your Cat:https://youtu.be/KHmrh6eQ6EQ How to Cat Proof Your House: https://youtu.be/h6ZyRTQbWR0 How to Get Your Cat in a Carrier: https://youtu.be/J5pc_EDKjFQ Moving with Your Cat: https://youtu.be/a8Gb2Riqle4 Vocalizations and What Do They Mean: https://youtu.be/LxhT_q9oUf8\ How To Introduce Your Cat to Your New Kitten: https://youtu.be/4DlJYcfiRu4 Litter Boxes Do’s and Don’ts: https://youtu.be/03XSrxEGPYs 7 Things Not to Do to Your Cat: https://youtu.be/1NZoWqs1T_s 7 Things To Do for Your Cat: https://youtu.be/2Ex99RuKqAw